Between the late 1960s and the early 1980s  IS/SWP members were involved in a number of rank-and-file groupings and newspapers. There is no single archive of these publications. So I am extremely grateful to Jerome Small, industrial organiser for Socialist Alternative in Australia, for allowing me to display this bibliography which he has compiled, which to the best of my knowledge is by far the fullest account available of archives in which rank-and-file papers can be found. It will be an extremely valuable resource for anyone thinking of doing further research into this topic. A very interesting talk by Jerome on the topic can be found at http://marxismconference.org/index.php/previous-highlights/audio-archives/item/1368-the-industrial-strategy-of-the-socialist-workers-party-uk-in-the-1960s-and-1970s.html

    Some sources for the IS/ SWP rank and file strategy in the 1970s


    Ian Birchall, Tony Cliff: A Marxist for his Time (Bookmarks, 2011) is the essential starting point for any serious history of the IS/SWP. Birchall points to a wealth of material. Essential reading on the industrial approach of the IS are Tony Cliff and Colin Barker, Income Policy, Legislation and Shop Stewards (1966); Tony Cliff, The Employers’ Offensive: Productivity deals and how to fight them (1970); and Tony Cliff, The Crisis: Social Contract or Socialism (1975). Tony Cliff, A World To Win: Life of a Revolutionary (2000) is also useful. I found some useful nuggets in amongst the bitterness in Jim Higgins, More Years for the Locust (1997).

    Journal and magazine articles:

    The first and second series of the journal International Socialism, now  available on Marxists.org, has a huge amount of material on the state of the class struggle, past and present rank and file movements, the strategic approach of the IS as well as various specific interventions. A complete list would consist of dozens of articles, but I found these four especially interesting as case studies of IS work in particular industries and plants:

    ·         Joyce Rosser & Colin Barker, ‘A Working-Class Defeat: The ENV Story’ (no. 31, Winter 1967/68)

    • Peter Jones, ‘Politics and the Shop Floor: Twelve Months at Chrysler’ (no. 64, mid-November 1973)
    • Duncan Hallas, ‘White Collar Workers’ (no. 72, October 1974)
    • Peter Bain, ‘Linwood 1975: One Year in a Car Factory’ (no. 85, January 1976)

    Also essential reading is Tony Cliff’s theorisation of the downturn, and Alex Callinicos’ 1982 assessment of the rank and file strategy:

    • Tony Cliff, ‘The Balance of Class Forces in Recent Years’ (series 2, no. 6, Autumn 1979)
    • Alex Callinicos, ‘The rank and file movement today’ (series 2. No. 17, Autumn 1982)



    This Marxism talk is useful. In particular, Bob Light’s recollections of the Pentonville struggle, and the official strike that followed, brings home the limits of the spontaneous rank and file upsurge:





    Rank and File newspapers, and some other sources:

    At the heart of the IS rank and file strategy were a series of newspapers aimed at workers in particular industries. Some of these developed a life of their own over many years, while others ran for only a handful of issues. The following list is divided by the location of the holdings. It includes some other material of interest – including some historical rank and file papers, some bulletins put out by other political tendencies, etc. It should not be taken as comprehensive, though I’m confident the main runs of IS rank and file publications are here

    1. 1.    British Library

    The Collier:  no. 2-10 (1973), 2 from 1974

    The Carworker: 2 or 3 copies from 1972-74

    The Dockworker: nos. 1-12, 14-28 (Nov 1972-78)

    Rank and File: an organ of progressive teachers: no. 1 (April 1968) – no. 55 (1977)

    Rank and file teacher: a paper of NUT classroom teachers:  no. 58 (feb 1978) – no. 79 (1981)

    Redder tape: various editions 1972 to 1978

    British Library/ British Museum Redder Tape Group bulletin nos. 1-17, 1977-1978

    Hospital worker: “Holdings: May 1973, etc” [??]

    Case-Con: no. 1 to 19 (1970-75) NB another entry nos. 2-5, 7-22 (1970-76)

    Journalists Charter: nos 1-2, 1973

    Steelworker: “no. 1 Sept 1972, etc.”

    Post Office Worker: “Holdings: [no. 2], etc.”


    Also of interest:

    Socialist Worker 1968 to date, and predecessor newspaper Labour Worker (from 1965)

    The Platform. A paper for all passenger transport workers. No. 1-no. 200. Nov. 1949-Dec. 1966

    Rank and File. [A periodical.] Building Workers Action Committee (MANCHESTER) Middleton, 1966-




    1. 2.    Working Class Movement Library (Salford)


    Rank and file: journal of socialist teachers – No 1 (Apr 1968) & 4-25 (Jan 1969-Summer 1973)

    Copy number/shelfmark 36007506/Periodicals main sequence


    Rank and file bulletin [teachers] – scattered issues 1972-1975

    Copy number 31000829/Periodicals main sequence


    Rank and file: a paper of NUT classroom teachers – scattered issues 1973-1977

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000768/Periodicals main sequence


    Rank and file teacher: a paper of NUT classroom teachers – scattered issues 1978-1980

    Copy number/shelfmark 31000828/Periodicals main sequence


    NALGO Action News — Apr 1972; Nos 36-44 (Apr 1977-Apr/May 1978); Nos 48-50 (Dec 1978/Jan 1979-Mar/Apr 1979); Nos 54, 55 [no dates]; Jul/Aug 1980; Nos 60, 61, 63, 65 [no dates]; 1 undated

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000638/Public Service – Periodicals A-Z


    Building workers’ charter: organ of the rank and file building workers – [c. 50 editions, no dates in catalogue]

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000238/Newspapers A-Z


    Carworker: a rank and file paper run by, and for, motor vehicle and component workers – 6 copies, April 1971 (no. 1) – July 1973 (no. 14)

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000255/Newspapers A-Z


    Hospital worker: rank and file paper run by and for hospital workers – 16 copies, 1973 – 1982

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000453/Newspapers A-Z


    Tech teacher: a socialist magazine for ATTI rank and file – no. 2 (Oct 1973), 3, 5, 7

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000931/Teachers – periodicals A-Z


    Rank and file: organ of the militant building worker [Manchester] no. 1-15 (1966-69)

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000766/Builder – Periodicals A-Z


    Building worker: paper of the rank and file in the construction industry – 3 copies, 1978-1979

    Copy number/shelfmark 35001484/Builder – Periodicals A-Z

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000106/Newspapers A-Z


    College rank and file: a socialist paper for NATFHE rank and file – 7 copies, 1977-1980

    Copy number/shelfmark 35001406/Teachers – Periodicals A-Z


    The Collier: rank and file miners paper — Nos 1, 6 [no dates]; Jan 1974; Jun/Jul 1978; No 24 (Nov/Dec 1978); No 27 (Jun/Jul 1979); Nos 31, 33 (Apr/May, Sep/Oct 1980); Nos 36, 37 (Mar/Apr, May/Jun 1981)

    Copy number/shelfmark 35001407/Mining – Periodicals A-Z


    National rank and file fireman: daily strike news – paper written by and for rank and file members of the FBU – 10 Nov, 15 Nov-9 Dec, 13-22 Dec 1977; 2, 4, 9 Jan 1978; Return to work issue (1978)

    Copy number/shelfmark 32000145/Fire – Periodicals A-Z


    The platform: the paper of the London Transport rank and file organisation – 7 copies (1977-78)

    Copy number/shelfmark 35001649/Transport – Periodicals A-Z


    Rank and file contact: the paper of rank and file members of the EETPU – 4 copies, 1978 – 1982

    Copy number/shelfmark 35001669/Electrical – Periodicals A-Z


    Red collar: paper for rank and file members of ASTMS – 3 copies, 1978

    Copy number/shelfmark 35001671/ASTMS – Periodicals A-Z


    Other material of interest:

    9 x Salford docker: the paper of the workers in the Port of Manchester – March to Sept 1934 [Communist Party]

    Copy number/shelfmark 31000814/Periodicals main sequence (Pit and Factory papers)


    Rank and file busworker bulletin [no dates/ or origin in catalogue]

    Copy number/shelfmark 31000250/Periodicals main sequence


    Engineering gazette: the paper for rank and file engineering workers – irregular 1977-1996

    Copy number/shelfmark 3100016/Newspapers main sequence


    Busman’s punch from 1930s, quite extensive holdings


    1 x The garment workers voice from 1930s




    Also: (all no date unless otherwise noted)

    1 x NATFHE Action; 1 x The Headlight (vehicle builders) 1 x Post Office worker (1972) 1 x Rank and file engineer (1968); 1 x Rank and file miner (1985); 1 x Real steel news (no.7 – no date); 1 x Revenue rank and file; 2 x Manchester hospital worker; 1 x Steelworker (1973); 2 x ASTMS rank and file (1976); 1 x Busworkers punch (1993); 1 x Class contact: a socialist magazine for ATTI rank and file; 1 x Hull charter: rank and file engineers strike bulletin; 1 x NALGO Action Bulletin (1982); 2  x National rank and file fireman (1977, 1978); 2 x North West cowboy [building sites] 2005; 1 x Off the record: bulletin of T and G rank and file workers (1978); 2 x Redder tape (c 1979); 1 x Sheffield Engineer (1979); 1 x Target (busmen) 1968; 2 x Transport worker (1985); 1 x West London Hospital Worker; 1 x GMT Platform (Manchester bus workers); 1 x Metro platform (Leeds bus workers, 1978); 2 x North West Platform (Blackburn bus workers 1974); 1 x Platform (Manchester); 1 x Printworker




    3. Warwick Uni Modern Records Centre

    Trotskyist sources:


    3a. Colin Barker’s papers:

    A lot of small holdings eg 1 x Case Con, 4 x Collier 1 x Rank and File Engineer, grab bag of bus stuff, Birmingham IS newsletters, etc



    Motor 1968-1970 MSS.152/1/5/12


    A fair bit of stuff from Birmingham – a few editions of Austin South Works Bulletin 1969-70; odd numbers of bulletins from Oxford and Coventry and leaflets Ford Dagenham 1968-69; 4 x Car Worker 1972-73


    Builders 1966-1973 MSS.152/1/5/2


    Rank and File, “paper of the militant building and construction workers”, nos. 1-15, Mar 1966-Feb/Mar 1969; Building Workers’ Charter, “organ of the rank and file building workers”, vol.1, nos. 1-2, 5-7, 11-12, vol. 2, no.8, [1970-1973]; …Site Action Press, nos. 36-37, vol.2, no.1, Birmingham, c1971.

    Also includes: lyrics for ‘The drunken leader’ and ‘Song of the unholy alliance’… Manchester Building Workers Joint Sites Committee leaflet re the Barbican dispute, 1967; correspondence re Rank and File, 1966-7.


    GEC 1969 – 1973 MSS.152/1/5/8


    c. 50 x Manchester IS bulletin at GEC 1969-7; 2 x GEC Rank ‘n File 1973.


    Hospitals 1969 -73 MSS.152/1/5/9


    7 x Germs Eye View 1969-71, 2 x Hospital Worker (May 1973 and undated)


    Docks 1967-73 MSS.152/1/5/5


    6 x The Dockworker 1967, 1972, 1973; Southampton and Manchester (incl Ships Canal & Manchester IS; London dock worker leaflets 1969, 1970)


    Shipyards 1969-1971 MSS.152/1/5/15


    Fairfields Bulletin, nos. 1-12, International Socialism, Glasgow South branch, Aug 1969-Feb 1970; ‘Crisis in the shipyards: The UCS story’, Workers Action Committee pamphlet, Glasgow, c1969; leaflets re Upper Clyde Shipbuilders (UCS), undated; Socialist Worker Clydeside Bulletin, no.8, 25 Aug [1971], with notice of public meeting to be addressed by Tony Cliff, [1971].


    Miscellaneous rank and file journals, 1967-c1976 MSS.152/1/5/1


    ‘Resistance’, London Shop Stewards Defence Committee, nos. 1-2, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar 1967; ‘Roundabout’, no.2, Claimants and Unemployed Workers’ Union, undated [c1971]; ‘The South West Worker’, vol.1, nos. 4-5, Oct-Nov 1970; ‘The Westcountry Worker’, nos. 1-4, Feb-May 1971; ‘Trafford Worker’, “voice of the rank and file”, no.3, c1976.


    Miscellaneous rank and file leaflets, etc., 1967-71  MSS.152/1/5/18


    Many of the leaflets were produced by branches of the International Socialists.
    Industries / employers include: GEC-AEI, engineering, transport workers, English Electric Company, teaching and education, building trade, steel industry, busmen, hospitals, print workers, UCS.
    Subjects include: redundancies, rent rise, equal pay, pay claims and incomes policy, trade union legislation, industrial action, Vietnam, race and Enoch Powell, Northern Ireland, International Socialists, education, housing, Rhodesia and South Africa, Czechoslovakia and France in 1968.
    Also includes: ‘Heavy Gang’, vol.1, no.2, 28 Aug [ ]; ‘Factory News’, no.5, Feb 1969; ‘Documents for industrial school’, presented by Acton / Willesden Industrial Groups, c1969; ‘Kirkby and the problem of unemployment’, report no.1, Merseyside IS branch, 1 Jun 1971.


    3b. Papers of Nigel (Nog) Clark



    [single editions of local rank and file papers in earlier and later years]


    Bulletins, circulars and ephemera, 1977  MSS.489/7


    Rank and file publications, including: ‘National Rank and File Fireman’ strike news; ‘Building Worker’, no.9, Oct/Nov [1977]; ‘Bitter Sweet Bulletin’, no.2, SWP Bassetts bulletin, 7 Dec 1977; ‘Stop the cuts: Bulletin by and for Sheffield Council Workers’, no.3, Sheffield NALGO Action Group; ‘Real Steel News’, SWP steelworker bulletin, Aug & Oct 1977.


    Bulletins, circulars and ephemera, 1978  MSS.489/8


    Rank and file publications: ‘Hammerhead’, bulletin of G.R. Stein workers, no.1; ‘Real Steel News’, SWP steelworker bulletin, Feb 1978; ‘National Rank and File Fireman’, daily strike news, 10 Jan 1978.


    Bulletins, circulars and ephemera, 1979  MSS.489/9


    Rank and file publications, including: ‘Sheffield Engineer’, nos. 1-7, 9-10, Feb-Oct 1979, and two special issues; ‘Real Steel News’, SWP steelworker bulletin, nos. 16, 21-23, 26-27, and several unnumbered; ‘Engineers Charter’ broadsheets; ‘Dunlop Spekes’, newspaper of Dunlop Joint Action Committee, Speke; ‘The Times Challenger’, “voice of printworkers and journalists”, Jan 1979; ‘End Low Pay!’, nos. 6-7, bulletin of Sheffield Hospital Workers Group and Rank and File Council workers; ‘Hospital Worker’, local bulletin; ‘Hammerhead’, no.2, G.R. Stein workers rank and file bulletin.


    Bulletins, circulars and ephemera, 1980  MSS.489/10


    Rank and file publications, including: ‘Hadfields News’ (compilation of press cuttings on steelworkers’ strike); ‘Real Steel News’, SWP steelworker bulletin (including strike editions); ‘National Rank and File Fireman’, no.15, rank and file members of the Fire Brigades Union, Dec 1979; ‘Sheffield Engineer’, no.12.


    Bulletins, circulars and ephemera, 1981  MSS.489/11


    Rank and file publications, including: Laurence Scott strike bulletin (picket special), Nov 1981; ‘Real Steel News’, including ‘Stainless Bulletin’.


    Bulletins, circulars and ephemera, 1982  MSS.489/12


    ‘Real Steel News’; ‘Crisis’, nos. 3-4, bulletin for Sheffield City Council workers, March, Autumn 1982; ‘Sheffield Today’, civic newspaper, Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Oct 1982; accounts for Right to Work march, May Day 1982; ‘Steelworks News’, no.114, Stocksbridge and Tinsley Park / BSC Light Products edition, 25 Feb 1982;


    3c. Papers of Steve Jeffreys



    Hospital workers, 1974-1978  MSS.244/2/2/9



    Rank and File bulletins, including: ‘Hospital Worker’, Feb 1974, Sep [1976?], Oct/Nov 1976, Dec 1976/Jan 1977, Sep/Oct 1977, Jul/Aug, Oct 1978; ‘Fight Back’, bulletin of Manchester Fight the Cuts Committee, no.3, undated; ‘Edinburgh Hospital Worker’, Sep 1976; ‘Save our hospitals bulletin’, nos.1-2, Feb, Mar/Apr 1977.


    Rank and File publications, c1976-1980 MSS.244/2/2/14


    Includes: ‘The Collier’ (miners), May, Jun/Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct, Nov/Dec 1978, Mar/Apr 1979; ‘National Rank and File Fireman’ (FBU), Jun 1978, undated; ‘Red Collar’ (ASTMS), May, Sep 1978, undated; ‘The Lagger’ (insulation workers), c1978; National Committee Regional Shopmen newsletter, nos. 1-2, c1978; ‘The Platform’ (London transport), 1977 (‘SOS campaign special’), Summer, Autumn 1978; ‘Redder Tape’ (civil service), Aug 1977, Sep, Nov 1978, Feb 1979; ‘Railway Worker’, c1976; ‘Post Office Worker’, no.4, 1977; ‘The Charter’ (motor and engineering workers), c1977-1979; ‘Typists Charter’, undated; ‘Spark’ (POEU) supplement on ‘Modernization and the new technology’, undated; ‘Rank and File Contact’, strike news, 30 Jan 1978; Rank and File pamphlet, ‘The ugly face of Chapple’s union [EETPU] and how to change it’; ‘Engineers’ Charter’, Feb/Mar 1976, Feb/Apr [1977], [1977]; ‘Hazards Bulletin’, British Society for Social Responsibility in Science, May, Aug 1978; ‘New Liberty’ (ITGWU), Jun 1977; leaflets.
    Also includes: copy of ‘Red Tape’, Civil and Public Services Association journal, May 1977.


    Rank and File publications, 1977-1979  MSS.244/2/2/15


    Includes: ‘College Rank and File’ (NATFHE), Nov 1977, Summer, Autumn 1978, Spring 1979; ‘NALGO Action News’, May, Aug 1977, 1978 (‘Social Worker Strike Special’), Dec [1978] /Jan [1979], Mar/Apr 1979; ‘Rank and File’ / ‘Rank and File Teacher’ (NUT classroom teachers), May 1977, Feb 1978, Feb 1979 (with Salaries Bulletin); ‘Hospital Worker’, Feb/Mar 1977, Oct 1978, Jan 1979.
    NALGO Action Group pamphlets / specials: ‘Wanted shop stewards’, by Carole Blake, undated [1978?]; ‘End low pay in NALGO’ [1978]; ‘What is NALGO? An ABC guide’ by Paul Bream [1977?];
    ‘Rank and File’ pamphlet, ‘Class size and the relationship between Official and Unofficial Action in the NUT’, 1977.
    ‘Fightback’ pamphlets: ‘Fightback against cuts in the health service’, [1979?]; ‘Private medicine: Can your health afford it?’, [1979?].
    ‘Women’s Voice’ pamphlet: ‘Blackmailed back to work: The campaign for better maternity leave in NALGO’, [1977?].


    Miscellaneous Rank and File material, etc., 1974-[1981]  MSS.244/2/2/17


    Rank and File publications: ‘Hospital Worker’ no.32, Apr/May [1981]; ‘Sanderson Forklifts Dispute’ poster, c.1976; ‘Building Worker’ no.10, Apr/May 1978; ‘Off the Record’ (Transport and General Workers’ Union), May 1978; ‘Real Steel News’, strike edition no.2, undated [post 1979]; ‘The Charter’ (motor and engineering workers), 3 issues, undated; ‘Leeds Charter’ strike bulletins, nos. 3, 5, 7 (engineers) [1979?]; ‘The Collier’ no.27 & no.37 (miners), Jun/Jul 1979, May/Jun 1981; ‘AUEW Fraction Bulletin’ no.1, Jan 1975; ‘Rank and File Contact’ (EETPU), no.9, Dec [ ].
    Also includes SWP pamphlet ‘Fighting the cuts in Wandsworth’, c.1979; ‘Workers’ Control’ no.37, bulletin of the Institute for Workers’ Control, c.1978; ‘IRIS News’, vol.19, no.12, Aug 1975; ‘Workers fight back! The fight for jobs and wages: The GEC workers case’, Coventry North Socialist Worker[s] Party pamphlet, c1978; Edinburgh and District Trades Council ‘Bulletin’ no.1, Oct 1979; leaflets, IS / SWP discussion documents, press cuttings, notes, correspondence, circulars; press photo of Ian Morris, Rank and File candidate for President of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, undated.


    Miscellaneous Rank and File material, etc., 1970-1980  MSS.244/2/2/19


    Includes: two versions of Rank and File Defend Our Unions Committee pamphlet by John Deason – ‘Defend our unions: A Rank and File reply to the Tories’ anti-union proposals’, 1979, and ‘Defend our unions: Kill the Tory Bill’, 1980; SWP pamphlet ‘A guide to workplace bulletins’, undated; ‘Greater Manchester Engineer’, Mar 1973; copy of agreement between Mirror Group Newspapers Ltd and the London Branch of Clerical, Administrative and Executive Personnel of the National Society of Operative Printers, Graphical and Media Personnel, 1977; Inland Revenue Staff Federation annual delegate conference agenda, 1978; ‘Revenue Rank and File’ newspaper, Jul/Aug, Oct/Nov 1975, [1978?]; ‘Dunlop Spekes’, newspaper of Dunlop Joint Action Committee, Speke, 1978; ‘The Times Challenger’, 1 Mar 1979; ‘Rank and File Teacher’, Scotland, Feb 1970; ‘Rank and File Teacher’, Nov/Dec 1980; leaflets, press cuttings, circulars, notes.


    Local Rank and File bulletins and leaflets, 1978-79  MSS.244/2/2/24


    No real details, a few similar files for late 70s, might be worth a look.


    3d. Richard Kuper


    Rank and File, 1965-[c1970] MSS.250/1/3/11


    Pamphlets: ‘Unemployment in the North East’ by Dave Peers, Newcastle IS, undated [c1970]; ‘Taking London for a ride: The busmens’ case’, Rank and File Busmen, [c1967]; ‘The bad package – at home – overseas – (or the Government sticks to its guns – almost everywhere) 5 technicians’ unions unwrap it’, ACTT, AScW, ASSET, DATA and STCS, 1966; ‘The Anti Cameron Report’ by Paul Foot, ‘Rank and File’ pamphlet, [1967]; ‘Grading and the contracting sparks’ by T. Berwick, ETU member, ‘Labour Worker’ pamphlet, c1967; ‘No bus today! The case of the East Yorkshire Bus Strike’, Disputes Committee for EYMS Strike, 10/15a Branch of Transport and General Workers’ Union, Nov 1966; ‘A teachers’ charter’, ‘Rank and File’ pamphlet, undated; ‘Not a penny on the rents’ by Ian Macdonald and Ken Lowe, Greater London Council (GLC) Tenants Action Committee, c1968; ‘Not wanted on voyage: The seaman’s reply’, Jun 1966; ‘What happened at Woolf’s: The story of the Southall strike’ by Chris Davison and Peter Finch, London Industrial Shop Stewards Defence Committee, 1966.
    Journals: ‘The Dockworker’, nos. 1-2, Jun 1967 and undated; ‘Rank and File Engineer’, no.1, Spring 1968; ‘International Socialism in Scotland’, bulletin no.2, Aug 1969; ‘Resistance’, nos. 1-2, London Shop Stewards Defence Committee, Dec/Jan 1967-Feb/Mar 1967; ‘Aviation Voice’, nos. 2-3, Feb-Jul 1965; ‘Labour’s Voice’, Mar & Jul 1965; ‘Pouvoir Ouvrier’, no.88, Jan-Feb 1968 (in French); ‘GLC Tenants Action Committee News’, Jun 1968; ‘Rank and File’, no.7, “produced by left-wing teachers within the NUT”, Sep 1969.
    Leaflets: Nurses’ Conditions Action Group, [1969?]; on fascism and racism, c1968.


    Rank and File Teachers, 1974-1978  MSS.250/1/3/12


    Leaflets and circulars; Rank and File pamphlet on ‘Education cuts’, c1975; Hull Teachers’ Association report on falling rolls, Oct 1978; Rank and File Bulletin, Nov 1974, May-Jun, Aug, Nov-Dec 1975, Feb, Jun 1976; discussion documents for National IS Teachers Aggregate, 26 Apr [ ], and Rank and File National Committee, 6 Dec 1975; agenda, resolutions, etc., for Socialist Teachers Alliance Open Conference, [1977]; Socialist Teachers Alliance newsletters, nos. 3-4, Feb-Mar 1977; Rank and File Women in Education Conference report, undated; London Rank and File Bulletin, Mar 1975;
    Also includes: IS membership report, Jun 1975; IS Opposition newsletter, no.2, [Dec 1975?]; circulars re Birmingham AUEW expulsions, the Working Women’s Charter and the Workers League.

    Plus labour worker up to 1967 (very incomplete), patchy SW 1969-1977



    3e. Rank and File Groups 1918-79



    [patchy but 6 x Carworker, 1971-73]



    Leyland Combine Trade Union Committee, 1980  [Details]

    Rank and File Busmen, 1967-1974  [Details]

    Rank and File Carworkers, 1971-1973  [Details]

    Linwood Workers and Coventry-Chrysler Right to Work Committee, 1976  [Details]

    Joint Ford Shop Stewards Committee, 1962  [Details]

    GEC Combine Workers, 1973-1974  [Details]

    Rank and File Trade Unionists in the GKN Group, 1973  [Details]

    London Shop Stewards Defence Committee, 1967  [Details]

    National Minority Movement, 1928-1932?  [Details]

    National Unemployed Workers Movement, 1939  [Details]

    Rank and File Health Workers, 1970  [Details]

    Sheffield Workers Committee, 1918  [Details]

    Syndicalist Workers Federation:, 1965-1966  [Details]

    U.S.A.F. Workers Strike Committee, 1978  [Details]

    Workers in Safety and Health, 1979  [Details]



    1. 4.    Senate House Library (University of London)

    Will Fancy Papers:


    Extensive records of London teachers and NALGO rank and file activities.

    MS1171/box12/2 1971-1976 NALGO Action News Published approximately every two months, number 1 (Autumn 1971) to number 33 (October 1976). Numbers 13 and 28 missing.

    MS1171/box28/1 1977-1978 NALGO Action News Monthly publication, incomplete run.

    MS1171/box28/2 1976 Case Con: a revolutionary magazine for social workers. One issue, number 23

    MS1171/box13/5 1968-1974 Miscellaneous industrial news sheets and bulletins, some from the Socialist Workers Party and the International Socialists and also from a variety of unions and rank and file organisations. Examples : Electrical Trades Union, Upper Clyde Shipbuilders, Concorde, Printworker, Hospital Worker, Post Office Worker. 27 items.

    MS1171/box17/4 1974-1976 National Rank and File Conference. Minutes, reports, resolutions, circulars, of the Organising Committee.

    MS1171/box23/3 1969-1972 IS: International Socialists, Bulletin, for members only. Monthly, 17 issues.

    MS1171/box23/4 1973-1976 IS: International Socialists, Bulletin, for members only. Monthly, 22 issues.


    Al Richardson/Jim Higgins papers:


    MS1117/box 220/file 2 1973­1974 International Socialists Industrial Department:  papers and circulars



    1. 5.    Marx Memorial Library (Clerkenwell/London)

    3 x Rank and File [teachers] no. 3 (1968?), no. 16 (autumn 1971), no. 16 (Spring 1973) CID 37550; Catalogue ID S0003026PN

    1 x Rank and File Teacher March 1979. CID 37551; catalogue ID 126105

    1 x Tech Teacher issue 2. CID 36358; Catalogue ID S0000261MM

    1 x Rank and file technical teacher no. 2 (Feb 73). CID 37559; Catalogue ID S0000558MM

    1 x Steelworker issue 1 Sept 1972. CID 36444; Catalogue ID S0000311MM

    1 x Redder Tape issue 1 Autumn 1972. CID 36730; Catalogue ID S0000476MM


    Other IS/SWP material (not comprehensive list)

    The great East End housing disaster prepared by Tower Hamlets Case Con, 1972. CID 16292; Catalogue ID x3387732; Location: MML Boxed Pamphlets; Barcode 00183539; Shelf Reference YE07.01/GRE

    1  x  Labour Worker  1966

    3 x SWP industrial discussion bulletin 1978. CID 36668; catalogue ID s0000439MM


    Other interesting looking stuff:

    The Miner: organ of the rank and file (published in Dunfermline, Fife) no.1 to 106 (1922 – Sept 1926). CID 45707; Catalogue ID 2976

    2 x Red dawn: Organ of the Ferndale Communist Pit Groups, Sept and Oct 1925

    News of the World Sun Right of reply special published by Joint Chapels Liaison Committee for Minworker’s Hardship Fund, Nov 1984, March 1985