I shall list here additional sources of material to those listed in Jerome Small’s bibliography:

    I am most grateful to Paul Mackney for informing me of the following archives:

    1)      Local Studies Section of Birmingham Library – MS 1591 Papers of Paul Mackney 1981-1992 … this contains many factory bulletins for eg Longbridge and Birmid Foundries and rank and file papers etc. This  collection includes all the public and internal documents of the Workers’ League incl Workers’ News and Socialist Voice and IB.

    2)      The Devon Heritage Centre in Exeter –South West Worker and West Country Worker – a trade union rank and file magazine produced in Newton Abbot, Devon for the ‘Tolpuddle Group’ – 1970-73 – Some extracts can be viewed from photos taken by Nigel Costley, author of ‘West Country Rebel’, from material deposited by Paul Mackney at the Devon Heritage Centre. (Be warned: there are dated sexist references and cartoons which, without a sense of historic perspective, may well be offensive.)
