• Japanese Translation

    Japanese Translation


    In the bibliography of Cliff’s writings published as an appendix to the biography, section K Translations, I list a Japanese translation of the pamphlet by Cliff and myself:

    France – the Struggle Goes On, Gendaishichosha. 1968

    I am most grateful to a comrade from South Korea who has provided some additional information about the publication of this translation.

    He writes:

    I’m not sure you knew Gendaishichosha is a name of publishing company. Its Chinese letter is 現代思潮社, which means contemporary thoughts. So I’m concerned if someone want to check the reference, he or she would be confused due to its limited information.


    Its full bibliographical terms in Japanese is, “トニー・クリフ․イアン・バーチャル, 池田栄志 譯, 『五月闘争はつづく―フランスの叛乱』, 現代思潮社, 東京, 1969.”